FHS will honor the traditions of the past, build a strong community, integrate technology, and foster independence to solve challenges as they arise. A professional and highly motivated staff, in partnership with parents and families, will encourage each child to achieve his or her full potential in preparation for career and college readiness.
Make your student's cafeteria payments online here.
Check your student's grades and attendance here.
Purchase tickets for home athletic games and other school events here.
Find out information on making a contribution to a qualified activity or program.
Keep up-to-date on important dates and information for your senior student this year.
We are committed to providing technological resources that benefit both students and teachers.
We have a resource list for housing, healthcare and other community needs you may have.
We have compiled a list of resources if you are in a time of crisis and can use a helping hand.
Building Champions of Today and Tomorrow!
Average Teacher Salary Information
Public Notices
Spending Report
Annual Financial Report
Public Notices